Friday, 27 April 2012


Sometimes we do stupid stuff,
That leaves everyone around us wondering, guessing, raving,
What the XXX we were thinking,
And for a moment we can’t explain,
Not even to ourselves,
What the XXX we were doing......

Most times it passes like a wave,
Sweeping us with it, we choke, we drown,
we're hit against the hard rocks,
At times we go never to return, never to be seen,
Never to heard,
‘Burned out' I hear they call it......

Until the day we realize,
That we are still warriors,
Just like Lion King,
Who never stopped hoping,
That a brighter day would come,
But it’s never really brighter is it?
Never really better either........

You just hope that the past won’t catch up,
That it will somehow forget,
That you can run faster than the wind, if the past were it,
That someone somewhere will over look,
or make a deliberate decision,
To let things slide, bury the hatchet, out of the window…..

But until then, you can only keep hoping,
Keep living; keep running, faster than your feet can propel you,
Always looking over your shoulder, is it catching up, are you gonna fall,
Never to rise up!!!